Our favourite free online tool for simplifying and converting spatial files is Map Shaper, which is super-simple to use. This post on the Power BI Community Forum provides a great example of what can go wrong when you don’t project your spatial files correctly!! ShapeMap accepts the following projections: 1) Equirectangular 2) Mercator 3) Orthographic. Projection: Make sure that your spatial file is projected correctly.So it’s good practice to simplify your spatial file first! File Size: While we haven’t come across any strict file size limits for the Shape Map Power BI visual (please post in the comments below if you know the JSON file size limit), we have experienced problems with files which have very detailed polygons with a lot of vertices.The spatial accuracy of polygon boundaries was not reviewed in a quantifiable manner. The combined and corrected data was then exported to ArcView 3.1 as a shape file and delivered to FS for further analysis. Use the Data area to create files and and capture GPS data points. At the end of the field season, we combined the multiple GPS Files using Trimble's Pathfinder Office software.

Configure the Map view so we can see where we are, in reference to previously created points, or other map layers. File Type: The spatial file needs to be in JSON format Change the Setup as needed to get the GPS connection working, set up real-time differential correction, and configure a laser rangefinder for offsets.Before we add our custom spatial file into the Shape Map visual in Power BI, we need it make sure it’s in the correct format.